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Fast service | Exclusive pricing | Online Support

  • Paul's Review:

    Rbxitem has always been prompt, reliable, and professional. We have purchased from Rbxitem several times, and the experience remains consistent. They are not flaky, fly-by-night, or sketchy. They are a legitimate business, and they do well with their customers.

  • Radu's Review:

    The best site ever! They were offline when I place my order the when I got the username they were sorry and gave me some extra units, I really love this site they are polite

  • Hyper's Review:

    Staff team is very nice, the delivery dude gave me a free gift (when I bought a engineer on ttd he gave me a signed one and when I bought a green laser he gave me one free) and that dude is a walking W, cheap prices, fast delivery, legit heaven.

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RbxItem Shop for you.

RbxItem offers 18 hours a day live support and fast delivery. We are here to deliver dozens of products in Murder Mystery 2 (MM2) godlys, Toilet Tower Defense (TTD) and more games in the fastest and most reliable way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Rbxitem.Com Safe?

Absolutely! We have many happy customers and thousands of sales! You can check out some of the community-made review on TrustPilot.

Can this get me banned?

No! We have thousands of successful sales & happy customers and we have never had a single report of anyone getting banned for using our site!

Why do you need my adress?

Our payment processor requires us to ask you for your address and full name in order to verify your identity. We do not use your address for anything other than identity verification and we never sell your personal data.

How do i claim my order?

After purchase you will get email from support@rbxitem.com and we will meet with you in game to delivery it. Average delivery time is 9-12 minutes, sometimes up to 6-7 hours if the whole team is offline, but this is a rare case. Click to go tutorial page.

I accidentally closed the order page! Do I have to buy again?

No! When you made an order on RbxItem, we will send you all details via email that you provided while ordering. You will receive and email from support@rbxitem.com when you placed an order.

I have another question, how do i ask?

Please go to our "Contact Us" page. A staff member will gladly assist within 12 hours. Please do not send multiple emails or your inquiry will be put at the bottom of the queue. Or you can just check if you have message box right-bottom of the website. If it appears it means Live Support is avaible.